Procedure for homologation
The procedure that allows a wood preservation product to enter the market with a technical approval (ATG) consists of three successive steps: sales authorisation, product homologation and technical approval of the process.
Sales authorisation
This authorisation is required by law to market a wood preservative in Belgium. Applications must be addressed to the Federal Public Service (FPS) Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment.
Homologation of the product by BAWP
Homologation is granted to a wood preservative authorised for sale if it meets the requirements stated in the BAWP technical dossier for each of the risk classes in which the product may be used. The homologation application is only admissible if the procedure for granting a Sales Authorisation has already been started.
The homologation certificate for a product specifies the minimum quantity necessary for the product to be effective, derived from results of biological tests (the critical value) carried out for each of the classes of risk within which the product may be used. The homologation is given for one year and can be renewed twice.

Technical Approval of the process
The Technical Approval (ATG) describes the industrial application of a homologated product according to the use classes, the critical value as determined in the homologation and various parameters such as the type of wood used, the shape and size of the elements, the intended use and the conditions of application.
The Technical Approval is essential to gain access to the public market and the majority of the private construction market. The application for Technical Approval is only admissible if the homologation procedure has already been started. Applications must be submitted to the Belgian Union for Technical Approval in Construction (BUtgb).
Approved products

Homologation of a product
To achieve its objectives, BAWP grants homologation to a wood preservative product on the basis of a technical dossier submitted by the producer or his representative.